Easy Access, Drop-Free Scanning

Keep your device close with a durable pull reel clip

Socket Mobile is a data capture manufacturer, first and foremost, but we realize that users have more than scanning and NFC reading to accomplish in the workplace. That can mean moving around and setting your scanner aside for a while. But, for all of our mobility, humans are often clumsy creatures. Use a Durable Retractable Clip to guard against this tendency; it can prevent objects from falling or being misplaced.

Storage rooms are often crowded spaces, packed full of parcels, pallets, and packages, all bearing their own bar codes. Amongst this sea of boxes, it can be easy to misplace a device as small as a scanner. An accessory to keep your device handy would be a lifesaver for delivery drivers, warehouse workers, and anybody else whose job requires them to move around with their scanner.

The durable retractable clip is a tough, durable clip created to last. If the job requires tougher skin, then your scanner probably requires a tougher clip, too.

Clipped onto a belt or vest, a barcode scanner becomes a whole lot harder to misplace. Plus, with the retractable clip, users can move all over the warehouse, office, or other workspace while maintaining easy access to their scanner.

