The "TouchPoint Getting Started" App is now available on Apple iTunes

Blog by Socket Mobile, Inc.
touchpoint getting started icon

With this App, Socket Mobile's TouchPoint brings Near Field Communication (NFC) with Bluetooth® low energy connection - a peripheral to your iPhone® or iPad® with all the features the iOS ecosystem has to offer.

See the App on the iTunes store

This TouchPoint Getting Started App implements the User Interface and provides connectivity for Socket Mobile TouchPoint hardware to read NFC SmartCards, NFC stickers, RFID Tags, and NFC-enabled SmartPhones. The App displays the Number and Card Type, maintains a history of cards/devices read, and manages the Bluetooth low energy connection to TouchPoint. The App also logs Bluetooth communication with TouchPoint – useful to diagnose a complex configuration.
This easy-to-use App requires no NFC / RFID experience and provides just the basics to get you started to add Near Field Communication to your App. It is intended for Developers who join our ”Developer-by-invitation” program for NFC. We will provide the TouchPoint hardware, sample code on our GitHub (, documentation, and technical support.

Please contact Vince Coli at if you are interested in joining the program.